Monday, August 9, 2010

Jesus is Lord.Repent, seek him. Hide his words away in your heart. Live Christ-like, be Holy. If you know God's commands and still choose not to do them you are sinning and wicked. Its not too late, repent, put your sinnful ways aside and seek the glory and goodness of the everlasting God. When your gone it will be too late! You could be gone today,then it will be too late, Repent, or perish! To be wicked is to know the commands of God and not do them.

God is storing up his wrath against the wicked and they will be wiped away. Wake up from the illusion. The son of God has come to show us the way to his father. His name is Jesus, he said "The ONLY way to the Father, is through the son," jesus said we must turn from our wicked ways and seek after riteousness and, Holiness.We must be patient, kind, put envy aisde, die to youthful lust, not lie, or cheat or steal. These things bring about death. God commands it. These things are not of him. He is who he says he is. Before anyman comes to Christ, sin is his master. The wages of sin is death, but jesus was sent so we wouldn't have to receiv...e that salary. Through believing in Christ we receive eternal life.If you want jesus, and the precious gift he brings, close your eyes and pray:

Lord, I know I don't deserve such a precious gift because of my sinnful
nature, but Lord you sent your son to show me who I truely am, and how life
should be. I accept that you son died for me and 3 dayslater rose from the grave
and conqured death bringing with him victory and faith for all man to do all
things for your glory. Jesus you are Lord and my God. Use me to do your will
above all else. Open the eyes of my heart Lord.

Welcome to Christ's kingdom. Now take the gospel to man!

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